
The work of an acolyte is to serve the congregation by helping the worship service to flow smoothly. They assist the priest and deacon during Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Everyone who is active in Church is eligible to be an acolyte. Contact: Fr. Rich Chandler - frrichchandler@gmail.com

The primary goal of the A/V ministry is to provide quality sound engineering for all at St. Anneʻs. Through audio and video we aim to enhance your worship experience. Do you have an interest in audio and video production? Training is provided, and we want to always improve on delivering Godʻs message not only to the church attendees but also to the community.
Contact: Bert Henderson - bhenderson7@tampabay.rr.com
Lay Eucharist Visitors

Lay Eucharist Visitors (LEV) is a specialized ministry geared for home and hospital visits for the mature Christian. LEVs serve by assisting the priest and deacon to visit homebound or hospitalized individuals with prayer and the Eucharist Host.
Contact: Fr. Rich Chandler - frrichchandler@gmail.com

"Sing to God, Sing Praises to His Name"
The music ministry participates directly in the 10:15 am Mass and for special services. It is our intention to supplement and enhance the service while offering praise to Our Lord. We, in the music ministry, see song as another form of prayer.
We hope that, with the Lordʻs help, our songs create a spirit of praise and thanksgiving with both traditional and contemporary music during worship. And, if we have helped you to feel a little closer to Our Lord, then weʻve been on the right path.
Contact: Don Marzec - kybd103015@gmail.com
Altar/Floral Guild

The Altar and Flower Guilds are made up of parishioners dedicated to assisting the priest in preparation of the Altar for Church worship. Teams set up and clean the Altar. All training is done in fellowship with its members and brings bonding to those who serve God in His church.
Contact: Edwina Reisig
Lay Eucharist Ministry

Lay Eucharist Ministry (LEM) is a highly visible ministry geared for the mature Christian. LEMs serve at the Altar, assisting the priest and deacon by serving the Chalice during Holy Eucharist.
Contact: Fr. Rich Chandler - frrichchandler@gmail.com

Lectors read aloud the First and Second readings and lead the reading of the Psalm during Mass. Those called to this ministry need to have a strong voice that carries, and must be able to read scripture aloud to the congregation. Lectors may be called to read at special services and other events.
Contact: Cathleen Moran

The usherʻs first duty prior to Mass is to greet people and disburse weekly bulletins and announcement pages. Often ushers are the first faces newcomers see as they enter the church, so a warm, welcoming smile is required! During the offertory, ushers collect the offering and present it to the ministers. During Holy Eucharist the ushers help to direct the congregation to the altar rail.
Contact: Cathleen Moran
email: proverbswife@themorans.net